
MOVIE - "Lonesome Jim"

A precarious anti-hero who's been beaten to a nervous breakdown by his older brother; an overly sweet heroine who doesn't match the hero; crazy drug-addled friends, medicated relatives; a precocious little boy – yup, Lonesome Jim is an art flick. Under the guidance of Steve Buscemi, who directs like he's making the unpretentious version of Garden State, this lo-fi love story strips the stigma from artsy films by relishing in the awkward moments of life itself. Buscemi knows what he's doing with his beautiful long, wide shots of Goshen, Indiana; his makes his work too real to be pretentious – these are not impressionistic swoops of landscaping; they're hard, grainy textures of the land itself. This style more than meshes with James C. Strouse's minimalist script and is a work that relies more on environment than text, one that allows much of life to be, as it always is, implied.

Read on at [Film Monthly]

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