
MUSIC - Carey Ott, "Lucid Dream"

Lucid Dream
is the perfect name for Carey Ott's new album. Like psychedelic folk music, it’s intelligible poetry with an ethereal quality of sound. Sleep-inducing sound. Sound so calm that it brings up memories of sitting on a porch, maybe in the South somewhere, falling asleep in the lazy sun. Forgive the abundant imagery: at his best, Carey Ott pulls off the effect with succinctly breezy melodies like “It’s Only Love,” supported by xylophones and harmonicas. At his worst, which is the majority of the album, his light falsetto is washed out by the blasé guitar, a dulling throb that sounds the same alone on “Sunbathing” as it does with a band in “Virginia.” Ott’s warbling notes and short breaths might be attractive for musical purists, but it’s unexciting, sleepy time stuff.

Read on at [Silent Uproar]

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